BDX is Listed on LetsExchange, a KYC-free Swap

Dear Beldians,

BDX is listed on a KYC-free, registration-free instant swap platform. Now, you can anonymously swap BTC, ETH, USDT, and hundreds of other coins and tokens for $BDX.

Where can you swap BDX?

You can swap other digital currencies for $BDX on the following platforms,

  1. You can swap BDX on LetsExchange
  2. You can also swap BDX directly on the Beldex website using the LetsExchange swap widget here 👉

Do You Need to Register an Account?

Registering an account on LetsExchange is optional.

However, you can make a swap without registering an account. You don’t really need to provide your email address.

The only information that you need to submit is your Beldex wallet address to receive BDX.

The exchange is also KYC-free, which means that all your BDX transactions are truly anonymous.

How does the swap work?

The swap works in the following way.

  • Visit
  • On the LetsExchange widget, enter the amount of BTC, ETH, USDT or any other asset you want to swap for $BDX.
  • Then, you need to enter your receiving address (your BDX wallet address in this case).
  • If you’ve got a promo code, enter it. This may offer you a discount on the swap fee.
  • Enter the refund wallet address. This may either be the same or different from your receiving wallet address.
  • Then, select a fixed or floating exchange rate for your swap and click ‘Get $BDX.’
  • Check and confirm the details of the swap once again.
  • If all the details are correct, then send the exact amount of BTC (or any asset that you want to swap for $BDX) to the wallet address indicated on the screen.
  • Then, wait for the swap to go through. The LetsExchange platform will find an optimal route and liquidity to carry out the swap.
  • For this purpose, LetsExchange works with more than 10 centralized and 15 decentralized exchanges.
  • Once the transaction is confirmed, you will receive your $BDX to the wallet address you provided.


Why KYC-free Swaps?

Privacy, anonymity and maximum decentralization are the core principles of the Beldex project. We partner with platforms that share these principles to provide you with exceptional service and experience.

With BDX and LetsExchange, you can rest assured that your financial information stays only with you.

That’s not all. Beldex will be partnering with more KYC-free, decentralized platforms in the future.

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